Wynyard Carnallite Project

The Karnalyte Property is located 0.5 km to the south of Highway 16 near the town of Wynyard, Saskatchewan. Karnalyte owns a 100% interest in Subsurface Permit KP 360A and Subsurface Mineral Lease KLSA 010, comprising a total of 85,126 acres. The Wynyard Carnallite Project is an exploration and early stage pre-development property with a dominant zone of carnallitite and sylvinite (potassium-containing minerals).

The Company has secured the surface rights to 260 acres of land for the plant and load-out surface facilities, of which 160 acres is proposed for use as the plant production site. Karnalyte will have a small surface footprint for the potash facility.

A complete copy of the 43-101 is available at www.sedar.com.

property map from presentation

The Karnalyte Property is accessible and serviced by a network of “grid” section gravel and paved roads, including a major paved highway (Highway 16) bounding the northern portion of the area. A major line of Canadian Pacific Railway runs parallel to Highway 16 at Wynyard, Saskatchewan. The area is well served by an electrical distribution network and relatively close to Saskatchewan’s main electrical supply grid.